A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2247

Chapter 2247


Edwin couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Enough of these childlike antics,” he admonished.

When he set his mind to something, he could be quite stubborn.

Despite being a year her junior, he often exhibited a far greater emotional intelligence.

Laura, appearing diminutive, found her confidence waning in his presence.

Observing her reluctance, Edwin tenderly drew her close, enveloping her in his protective embrace.

With one hand, he closed the car door behind them.

Leaning in, he whispered softly by her ear “You seem to behave only when I’m holding you like this, don’t you?

Edwin, resplendent in his well-tailored suit and beside his Luxurious car, cradling a girl in his arms, had already drawn the attention of onlookers nearby.

A flush of warmth crept into Laura’s cheeks as she attempted to push him away.

“Release me,” she insisted.

Instead, Edwin draped his arm around her shoulders.

“It’s chilly out here!”

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Indeed, the evening air bore a biting chill, with delicate snowflakes gently descending. Czanch’s damp cold possessed a distinct character, separating itself from the winter in Duefron.

Still holding her close, Edwin offered a warm smile.

“I should have insisted you wear a dress. Then I could wrap you in my coat like a little kangaroo.”

It was an affectionate comment, and Laura, not devoid of sentiment, couldn’t help but be touched by it.

Yet, she concealed her emotions beneath a composed exterior.

Snowflakes descended gracefully upon their shoulders.

Strolling along the ancient streets, they found themselves immersed in a distinctive romance. The bright lights from the lanterns cast warm reflections upon the dark gray walls, imparting a sense of coziness to the winter evening.

Edwin remained at ease, while Laura couldn’t shake her apprehension about being recognized.

Edwin led her to a bustling eatery; however, all the seats were occupied. The customers enjoyed their meal on that cold night.

The proprietor apologized since there were no tables available at the moment.

Not wanting to have Laura dine in the cold, he contemplated searching for another establishment.

